Narragansett Bay and Local Applicability

Better Bay Alliance (BBA)
February 2023


  • Narragansett Bay hazards
  • Newport Harbor entrance/speed limit
  • Fish Traps off Newport and in the Bay
  • Currents
  • Introduction of Eldridges

Narragansett Bay Hazards

Harbor Entrance

Things to note:

  • Harbor entrance traffic
  • Speed limit
  • Anchorage area
  • North of Rose Island
Narragansett Bay and Local Topics

Fish Trap Areas

Things to note

  • Large areas authorized by DEM for fish traps in the bay and in southern RI waters
  • DEM latest interactive permit map
  • Most traps in the bay are for aquaculture (oysters) and are poorly marked
  • Traps can be barrels with cable between barrels just below waterline (offshore)
  • Markings at edge of traps have buoys with flags, but are difficult to see, especially in heavy weather
  • Several located around Narragansett Bay, and several located south of the bay offshore and in south county aquaculture farms
Bay Traps
Narragansett Bay and Local Topics
South County Traps
Narragansett Bay and Local Topics


Other Narragansett Bay Hazards

Things to note

  • Conimicut Point
  • Despair Island
  • Spar Islands
  • Halfway Rock
  • Navy Jetty
  • Brenton Reef
Narragansett Bay and Local Topics

Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book

  • Outstanding local resource of info on Narragansett Bay and beyond to much of east coast
  • Tide Tables
  • Current Tables and Diagrams
  • Safe Navigation
  • Lights, Signals, and Buoys
  • Communication protocols
  • Astronomical Data (sun/moon/planets)
  • Flags & Codes
  • Miscellaneous useful info
Narragansett Bay and Local Topics
Narragansett Bay and Local Topics
Continuing your boating education

Many local resources exist for various levels of education on various boating topics.

Narragansett Bay and Local Topics
us power squadron
us coast guard exiliary
us sailing
in command seamanship
boat us foundation
freedom boat club