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Newport Jazz Festival

Jazz music outdoors at Ft. Adams with hundreds of spectators both at the venue ashore and on boats anchored off Ft. Adams.

Tipsy Seagul Poker Run

Powerboats racing in large groups at high speeds through the Bay.  Typically start at Braga Bridge in Fall River, then head to East Providence YC to pickup 1st card, then…

Black Ships Festival

Colorful ceremonies to commemorate Rhode Island’s native son, Commodore Matthew C. Perry, and the signing of the Treaty of Kanagawa, which opened trade between Japan and the United States. Wreath-laying…

Safe Harbor Race Weekend

J/109 East Coast Regatta SeriesIC37 Category B Regatta

New England 100 Multihull Regatta

Mostly beach catamarans as well as some larger NEMA trimarans racing various courses around the entire bay depending on wind conditions that could encompass rounding Aquidneck, Prudence, and Jamestown islands. …