ORSTED- Windfarm Construction Activity

Scope: Nearshore Export Cable Installation Type of Work: Pre-lay Grapnel Run, Boulder Clearance, Pre-lay Survey, Post-lay survey, Exit pit pull in, Cable Installation, Cable Crossings Vessel(s): Barge and Tugs, Shelia Bordelon Notes:  Anchor spread, boulder Grab

ORSTED- Windfarm Construction activity

Scope: Export Cable Type of work:  Cable Crossings Vessel:  Shelia Bordelon Notes: excluding Jamestown Bridge Crossings, this is TBC

Sail for Hope

1100 Initial Warning Signal for starts near Rose Island

NYYC ORC World Championships Regatta

Various classes of ORC boats racing SEP 29 to OCT 5 with mix of inshore and offshore races.  Offshore races will be in RI Sound waters.  Inshore races are only on OCT 2, 3 and 5 and are marked by Polygons in LIVE CHART.