Capt. Jody’s Guide to Boating Etiquette — Part III | ARTICLE COURTESY OF CHESAPEAKE BAY MAGAZINE By Jody Argo Schroath Artistic Asides from Jan Adkins Be a Wise Guy on the Water These are rules more than etiquette, but no less important to maintaining world peace on the water. Rule 1 — Never leave the helm untended. Sounds like a no-brainer, but Capt. Jody can tell you stories…

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Navigation Mnemonics

Memorizing some of the basic nautical rules is made way easier through these fun rhymes. Most boaters know at least a couple of rhymes and phrases to help them remember the rules of the road. These memory tools, called mnemonics, are used to help learn or recall information. Many nautical varieties, such as the familiar “red, right, returning,” were created…

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