Marine Safety Information Bulletin

U.S. Coast Guard
Sector Southeastern New England
1 Little Harbor Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543

MSIB 03-2022
Date: May 31, 2022
Contact: Waterways Mgmt Div Chief
Phone: (401) 435-2355

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The 2022 North Atlantic hurricane season commences on June 1 and continues through November 30. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is forecasting a likely range of 14 to 21 named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher), of which 6 to 10 could become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 3 to 6 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher). NOAA provides these ranges with a 70° o confidence.

As in past years, the Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Sector Southeastern New England will set port conditions in advance of an approaching hurricane or tropical storm. I encourage you to review and update your hurricane and severe weather plans. This includes internal and external communication procedures, methods of minimizing storm damage and environmental risk (e.g. securing transfers, ballasting down storage tanks, draining transfer lines), and reconstitution procedures.

As a hurricane or tropical storm approaches, Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England will contact the maritime community to establish communications and coordinate preparations. The Captain of the Port seeks to be as transparent as possible when making decisions that will impact commercial vessel and facility operations. Waterway restrictions and other decisions affecting the port are based upon weather forecasts, risk assessments, and preparations being made by port partners. In most cases, given ample warning of an approaching hurricane or tropical storm, vessels may be advised to put to sea or directed to an appropriate anchorage. In addition, cargo or fuel oil transfers are likely also to be suspended for brief periods.

As necessary, Sector Southeastern New England will contact port partners to share information regarding pre storm preparedness and post-storm response. As your organization reviews its plans, please feel free to contact the Waterways Management Department Chief at (401) 435-2355 or contact the Waterways Management Division by email at if there are questions about the Coast Guard’s role, plans, or policies regarding navigation restrictions or port closures during hurricanes and heavy weather. Sector Southeastern New England may also be available should your organization choose to hold a tabletop exercise to test portions of your plan.

NOAA provides near-real-time information regarding tropical weather, storms, and hurricanes through the National Hurricane Center’s (NRC’s) Facebook page, Twitter account, and official website. Visit for more information, and check in periodically for updates.

The “NOAA NWS National Hurricane Center” page provides updates about the NRC outreach and education campaign and other item~ that might be of interest to..the public throughout the year. During the hurricane season, the site contains a daily tropical weather update as well as alerts regarding any tropical cyclone activity as needed.

‘I’he NRC Facebook page is

The NRC Twitter account for the Atlantic basin (which includes the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea) is: U.S. National Hurricane Center (Atlantic) – @NHC_Atlantic

Updates are sent whenever the NRC issues a public advisory regarding a Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) or a Tropical Cyclone Update (TCU).

Each tweet contains a link to access the corresponding product on the NRC website. The NRC may also tweet a special message at any time.

For iPhone and iPad users, an additional option available for severe weather updates is the NRS Hurricane Tracker App, which provides NRC products, alerts, graphics, and outlooks.

For immediate assistance during an actual hurricane, severe weather event, or other maritime emergency, contact the Sector Southeastern New England Command Center at (508) 457-3211.

P. J. Mangini
Commander, U. S. Coast Guard
Acting, Captain of the Port Southeastern New England

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